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2021年度 英語論文

Harigane K, Mochida Y, Shimazaki T, Kobayashi N, Inaba Y: Pharmacoeconomic analysis of biologics and methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis from the standpoint of the number needed to treat concept under the Japanese health insurance system. Cost Eff Resour Alloc. 20(1):13, 2022 Mar 24.

Choe H, Tatro JM, Hausman BS, Hujer KM, Marshall SH, Akkus O, Rather PN, Lee Z, Bonomo RA, Greenfield EM: Staphylococcus aureus and Acinetobacter sp. inhibit osseointegration of orthopaedic implants. Infect Immun. 90(3):e0066921, 2022 Mar 17.

ICM-VTE Hip & Knee Delegates: Mont MA, Abdeen A, Abdel MP, Al Mutani MN, Amin MS, Arish A, Azboy I, Baker CM, Baldini A, Bengoa F, Berry DJ, Beverland DE, Bohaček I, Brookes C, Budhiparama NC, Campbell DG, Chen Z, Ciesielka KA, Chisiari E, Courtney PM, Crnogaća K, de Paula Ferreira WV, Djaja YP, Fishley WG, Gallagher N, Gerlinger T, Goh GS, Gómez-Barrena E, Goswami K, Guerra-Farfán E, Hannon CP, Hing CB, Hozack WJ, Inaba Y, Iorio R, Jakobsen T, Javid M, Jiranek WA, Jurado M, Kinov P, Andersen PK, Klein GR, Korkmaz O, Lee GC, Ludwick L, Malchau H, Manzary MM, Marcelino Gomes LS, Mariño JB, Marín-Peña Ó, Meghpara MM, Merli GJ, Mihalko WM, Mikkelsen RT, Nijhof MW, Overgaard S, Parvizi J, Pellegrini JJ, Pérez RJ, Plečko M, Purtill JJ, Reed M, Restrepo C, Roberts W, Saldaña AE, Schwarzkopf R, Sherman MB, Shohat N, Silberman A, Silva S, Socorro NE, Spangehl MJ, Tanzer M, Tarabichi S, Tezuka T, Urish KL, Vial A, Wouthuyzen-Bakker M: Recommendations from the ICM-VTE: Hip & Knee. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 104(Suppl 1):180-231, 2022 Mar 16. 

CM-VTE General Delegates: Parvizi J, Abbas AA, Abcha O,  Abdelaal MS, Ackermann PW, Acuña AJ, Ageno W, Ramírez JJA, Akkaya M,  Alameddine D, Alfaro DO, Alvand A, Alzeedi M, Andrade AJ, Arnold WV, Arish A, Austin MS, Ay C, Azboy I, Babis GC, Baker CM , Barrack RL, Barragán E, Beatón-Comulada D, Bedair HS, Bell JA, Beverland DE, Bhatia N, Bialecki J, Bondarenko S, Bonilla G, Boschert SOR, Bracho C, Brooks D, Buttaro M, Caldeira MACD, Callaghan J, Campbell DG, Cancienne JM, Cannegieter SC, Canseco JA, Caprini JA, Carrier M, Bejarano JCC, Catani F, Ceylan HH, Cha YH, Chan CK, Chan N, Cheung MH, Chisari E, Cimminiello C, Citak M, Colón-Miranda RG, Colwell C, Combs K, Cordeiro M, Corvi JJ, Courtney PM, Cozowicz C, Crawford RW, Cruz E, D'Amore T, Dantas P, Della Valle AG, Deltour C, Demanes AC, Djaja YP, Dunbar MJ, Egoavil MS, Egol KA, Eichinger S, Elías LF, Emmerson BR, Ettema HB, Al Farii H, Fernandez-Rodriguez D, Fillingham YA, Fu H,  Gallagher N, Gary JL, Geerts WH, Ghazavi MT, Gleason B, Goh GS, Gonçalves S, Goriainov V, Goswami K, Goyal L, Granqvist M, Grenho A, Griffin X, Hafez MA, Hakyemez ÖS, Hamdi S, Hansen EN, Hansen H, Hasegawa M, Higuera CA, Hobohm LMA, Holc F, Hollingsworth N, Hozack WJ, Hughes AJ, Humphrey TJ, Huo MH, Inaba Y, et al: Recommendations from the ICM-VTE: General. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 104(Suppl 1):4-162, 2022 Mar 16.

Nejima S, Kumagai K, Yamada S, Sotozawa M, Kumagai D, Yamane H, Inaba Y: Risk of interference between the tibial tunnel and locking screws in medial meniscus posterior root repair and open wedge high tibial osteotomy. J Exp Orthop. 9(1):25, 2022 Mar 15.

Inoue T, Higashi T, Kobayashi N, Ide M, Harigane K, Mochida Y, Inaba Y: Risk Factors Associated with Aggravation of Cervical Spine Lesions in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Spine (Phila Pa 1976).47(6):484-489, 2022 Mar 15.

Abe K, Choe H, Oba M, Tezuka T, Ike H, Kobayashi N, Inaba Y: Inflammation and nutrition based screening tests for detection of infection in cases of rapid hip destruction. Sci Rep. 12(1):3586, 2022 Mar 4. 

Choe H, Kobayashi N, Ito Y, Ike H, Tezuka T, Takeyama M, Kawabata Y, Inaba Y: Detection of mecA and 16S rRNA genes using real-time PCR can be useful in diagnosing iliopsoas abscess, especially in culture-negative cases: RT-PCR for iliopsoas abscess. Biomed Res Int. 2022:2209609, 2022 February 11.   

Nakamura N, Kawabe Y, Oba M, Momose T, Machida J, Inaba Y: Transition of Caregiver Perceptions after Pediatric Neuromuscular Scoliosis Surgery. Spine Surg Relat Res. 6(4):373-378, 2022 Feb 10. 

Akamatsu Y, Nejima S, Tsuji M, Kobayashi H, Muramatsu S: Joint line obliquity was maintained after double-level osteotomy, but was increased after open-wedge high tibial osteotomy. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 30(2):688-697, 2022 Feb. 

Hayashida K, Kawabata Y, Kato I, Kamiishi T, Matsuo K, Takeyama M, Inaba Y: Clinical and pathological analysis of giant cell tumor of bone with denosumab treatment and local recurrenceJ Orthop Sci. 27(1):215-221, 2022 Jan. 

Motomura G, Mashima N, Imai H, Sudo A, Hasegawa M, Yamada H, Morita M, Mitsugi N, Nakanishi R, Nakashima Y: Effects of porous tantalum on periprosthetic bone remodeling around metaphyseal filling femoral stem: a multicenter, prospective, randomized controlled study. Sci Rep. 12(1):914, 2022 Jan 18.

Yamada K, Aota Y, Saito T, Inaba Y: Correlation between leg pain at rest and spinal nerve edema in symptomatic lumbar foraminal stenosis. Orthop Traumatol Surg Res. 103119, 2021 Oct 16.

Choe H, Kobayashi N, Oba M, Morita A, Abe K, Inaba Y: Application of ultrasonography during sternocleidomastoid muscle release for congenital muscular torticollis: A case report. JBJS Case Connect. 11(4), 2021 Oct 14. 

Horita N, Miyagi E, Mizushima T, Hagihara M, Hata C, Hattori Y, Hayashi N, Irie K, Ishikawa H, Kawabata Y, Kitani Y, Kobayashi N, Kobayashi N, Kurita Y, Miyake Y, Miyake K, Oguri S, Ota I, Shimizu A, Takeuchi M, Yamada A, Yamamoto K, Yukawa N, Masuda M, Oridate N, Ichikawa Y, Kaneko T: Severe anaphylaxis caused by intravenous anti-cancer drugs. Cancer Med. 10(20):7174-7183, 2021 Oct.

Choe H, Kobayashi N, Kobayashi D, Watanabe S, Abe K, Tezuka T, Kawabata Y, Takeyama M, Inaba Y: Postoperative excessive external femoral rotation in revision total hip arthroplasty is associated with muscle weakness in iliopsoas and gluteus medius and risk for hip dislocation. J Orthop Surg Res. 16(1):582, 2021 Oct 9. 

Nejima S, Kumagai K, Fujimaki H, Yamada S, Sotozawa M, Matsubara J, Inaba Y: Increased contact area of flange and decreased wedge volume of osteotomy site by open wedge distal tibial tuberosity arc osteotomy compared to the conventional techniqueKnee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 29(10):3450-3457, 2021 Oct. 

Otoshi A, Kumagai K, Yamada S, Nejima S, Fujisawa T, Miyatake K, Inaba Y: Return to sports activity after opening wedge high tibial osteotomy in patients aged 70 years and older. J Orthop Surg Res. 16(1):576, 2021 Sep 28.

Kobayashi N, Kamono E, Maeda K, Misumi T, Yukizawa Y, Inaba Y: Effectiveness of diluted povidone-iodine lavage for preventing periprosthetic joint infection: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis. J Orthop Surg Res. 16(1):569, 2021 Sep 22.

Harada I, Sasaki H, Murakami K, Nishiyama A, Nakabayashi J, Ichino M, Miyazaki T, Kumagai K, Matsumoto K, Hagihara M, Kawase W, Tachibana T, Tanaka M, Saito T, Kanamori H, Fujita H, Fujisawa S, Nakajima H, Tamura T: Compromised anti-tumor-immune features of myeloid cell components in chronic myeloid leukemia patients. Sci Rep. 2021 Sep 10;11(1):18046. 

Higashihira S, Inasaka R, Iwamura Y, Kohno M, Akiyama G, Inaba Y: Patient-reported outcome measures after total knee arthroplasty using knee injury and osteoarthritis outcome score. JRPMS. 5(3): 93-100, 2021 Sep.

Fujimaki H, Nakazawa A, Hirano M, Takeuchi T, Kadowaki A, Kusayama Y, Ide M, Kanai K, Kim Y, Matsubara J, Kumagai K, Inaba Y: Status of fracture risk assessment and osteoporosis treatment in Japanese patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Mod Rheumatol. 31(5):987-991, 2021 Sep.

Thiengwittayaporn S, Budhiparama N, Tanavalee C, Tantavisut S, Sorial RM, Li C, Kim KI; Asia-Pacific (AP) Region Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) Consensus Group  (Choe H, Inaba Y, et al): Asia-Pacific venous thromboembolism consensus in knee and hip arthroplasty and hip fracture surgery: Part 3. Pharmacological venous thromboembolism prophylaxis. Knee Surg Relat Res. 33(1):24, 2021 Aug 12. 

Kato S, Mihara H, Niimura T, Watanabe K, Kawai T, Choe H, Inaba Y: Impact of focal apex angle on postoperative decompression status of the spinal cord and neurological recovery after cervical laminoplasty. J Neurosurg Spine. 35(4):410-418, 2021 Jul 23.

Kumagai K, Fujimaki H, Yamada S, Nejima S, Matsubara J, Inaba Y: Changes of synovial fluid biomarker levels after opening wedge high tibial osteotomy in patients with knee osteoarthritisOsteoarthritis Cartilage. 29(7):1020-1028, 2021 Jul.

Amarase C, Tanavalee A, Larbpaiboonpong V, Lee MC, Crawford RW, Matsubara M, Zhou Y; Asia-Pacific (AP) Region Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) Consensus Group (Choe H, Inaba Y, et al): Asia-Pacific venous thromboembolism consensus in knee and hip arthroplasty and hip fracture surgery: Part 2. Mechanical venous thromboembolism prophylaxis. Knee Surg Relat Res. 33(1):20, 2021 Jun 30.

Ngarmukos S, Kim KI, Wongsak S, Chotanaphuti T, Inaba Y, Chen CF, Liu D; Asia-Pacific (AP) Region Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) Consensus Group  (Choe H, Inaba Y, et al): Asia-Pacific venous thromboembolism consensus in knee and hip arthroplasty and hip fracture surgery: Part 1. Diagnosis and risk factors. Knee Surg Relat Res. 33(1):18, 2021 Jun 19. 

Asada R, Abe H, Hamada H, Fujimoto Y, Choe H, Takahashi D, Ueda S, Kuroda Y, Miyagawa T, Yamada K, Tanaka T, Ito J, Morita S, Takagi M, Tetsunaga T, Kaneuji A, Inaba Y, Tanaka S, Matsuda S, Sugano N, Akiyama H: Femoral head collapse rate among Japanese patients with pre-collapse osteonecrosis of the femoral head. J Int Med Res. 49(6):3000605211023336, 2021 Jun.

Kuroda Y, Tanaka T, Miyagawa T, Hamada H, Abe H, Ito-Ihara T, Asada R, Fujimoto Y, Takahashi D, Tetsunaga T, Kaneuji A, Takagi M, Inaba Y, Morita S, Sugano N, Tanaka S, Matsuda S, Akiyama H; TRION trial collaborators: Recombinant human FGF-2 for the treatment of early-stage osteonecrosis of the femoral head: TRION, a single-arm, multicenter, Phase II trial. Regen Med. 16(6):535-548, 2021 Jun.

Snijders TE, Schlösser TPC, Heckmann ND, Tezuka T, Castelein RM, Stevenson RP, Weinans H, de Gast A, Dorr LD: The Effect of Functional Pelvic Tilt on the Three-Dimensional Acetabular Cup Orientation in Total Hip Arthroplasty Dislocations. J Arthroplasty. 36(6):2184-2188.e1, 2021 Jun.

Akamatsu T, Kumagai K, Yamada S, Nejima S, Sotozawa M, Ogino T, Inaba Y: No differences in clinical outcomes and cartilage repair between opening wedge and closed wedge high tibial osteotomies at short-term follow-up: A retrospective case series analysis. J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong). 29(2):23094990211020366, 2021 May-Aug. 

Watanabe S, Choe H, Kobayashi N, Ike H, Kobayashi D, Inaba Y: Prediction of pelvic mobility using whole-spinal and pelvic alignment in standing and sitting position in total hip arthroplasty patients. J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong) 29(2):23094990211019099,  2021 May-Aug.

Uchino Y, Higashi T, Kobayashi N, Inoue T, Mochida Y, Inaba Y: Risk factors associated with cervical spine lesions in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: an observational study. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 22(1):408, 2021 May 3.

Watanabe S, Kobayashi N, Tomoyama A, Choe H, Yamazaki E, Inaba Y: Clinical characteristics and risk factors for culture-negative periprosthetic joint infections. J Orthop Surg Res. 16(1):292, 2021 May 3. 

Nejima S, Kumagai K, Kobayashi H, Fujimaki H, Yamada S, Sotozawa M, Hisatomi K, Inaba Y: Medialization of the mechanical axis of the tibia is related to lateralization of the tibial tuberosity in knee osteoarthritis. Knee. 30:134-140, 2021 Apr 22. 

Takagawa S, Kobayashi N, Yukizawa Y, Oishi T, Tsuji M, Misumi T, Inaba Y: Identifying factors predicting prolonged rehabilitation after simultaneous bilateral total knee arthroplasty: a retrospective observational studyBMC Musculoskelet Disord. 22(1):368, 2021 Apr 20.

Kobayashi N, Higashihira S, Kitayama H, Kamono E, Yukizawa Y, Oishi T, Takagawa S, Honda H, Choe H, Inaba Y: Effect of decreasing the anterior pelvic tilt on range of motion in femoroacetabular impingement: A computer-simulation study. Orthop J Sports Med. 9(4), 2325967121999464, 2021 Apr 20.

Akamatsu Y, Nejima S, Tsuji M, Kobayashi H, Muramatsu S: Open-wedge high tibial osteotomy using intraoperative control of joint line convergence angle with reference to preoperative supine radiograph. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 141(4):645-653, 2021 Apr. 


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